Britain a nation of fad dieters

New research reveals that millions of us have put ourselves through fad diets, only to fail after just a few weeks. Dr Sarah Schenker talks about our ‘all or nothing’ approach to food and eating


markettiers were briefed by Porter Novelli & the British Fruit Juice Association to generate broadcast coverage promoting the health benefits of fruit juice; this was due to the BFJA’s concern over the rising number of people cutting all sugars from their diet, including the natural sugars found in fruit and fruit juice.


To create a news hook and capture the attention of the media in a climate often saturated by health stories, markettiers conducted consumer research on the prevalence and popularity of fad diets; this line of research being of particular relevance given the time of year and the tendency for Brits to diet in the lead up to Christmas. We worked with spokesperson Dr Sarah Schenker to provide insight on why so many people are using crash diets instead of just making sensible life choices, ultimately allowing for us to promote the benefit of a balanced diet, that includes fruit juice.


Coverage was secured across both radio and TV, with ‘British Fruit Juice Association’ appearing on screen during Sky Sunrise as the source of the consumer research followed by a lengthy interview with Sarah before another TV interview on London Live. Radio opportunities included BBC Radio Guernsey, Heart Yorkshire and BFBS.