Fanciable or friend zone? First impressions count on first dates

markettiers worked with Brands2Life to deliver extensive broadcast coverage for around popular topic of being “friend zoned” on a date


Brands2Life and approached markettiers to help them work on a broadcast campaign supporting new research which revealed how over half (52.5%) of single adults admit to having friendzoned their date within the first hour of meeting them.


The research made for a potential informative, engaging and fun broadcast session. The spokesperson was’s dating expert Kate Taylor, who is a relationship author as well as a highly pertinent case study having met the love of her life on the dating site.


markettiers kicked off the campaign with 12 interviews booking onto the schedule, all of which have an estimated combined weekly listenership reach of over 7 million. Interviews secured were with national stations Kiss UK, Share Radio, Virgin Radio, TalkRADIO, BBC Regional station Hereford and Worcestershire and high reaching commercial stations with Capital London, Spectrum Radio, Radio Yorkshire, Imagine FM, Kemet FM, and Mansfield 103.2