The NSPCC used markettiers4dc to help raise awareness of their ‘Don’t Hide It’ campaign which was supporting their campaign against child sexual abuse. The NSPCC had conducted research with Sugar magazine on teenagers’ attitudes to and experience of sexually abusive behaviour and the report discovered that nearly half of teenage girls have been pressurised or forced into a sexual experience, but one in three didn’t tell anyone what had happened.
The aims of the campaign were to mobilise children and young people to speak out about child sexual abuse and to explain to girls in particular that no one has a right to force them to do anything sexual, and to give them the confidence to share their experiences.
As well as carrying out a successful editorial radio campaign, with interviews airing on stations such as Heart 106 FM, CenturyFM 100-102, Choice FM, IRN and Sky News, given the age of the target audience, we felt the best way to reach the ‘iPod generation’ was to produce a Podcast for them to download and listen to in their own time.
The hard hitting and non-patronising Podcast featuring actress Lauren Blake from TV's Totally Frank gave young people a number of scenarios to encourage them to question the 'rights and wrongs' of certain situations. This was promoted through editorial features placed on targeted websites as well as on the NSPCC’s own campaign web We also hosted the podcast on which is available through iTunes.