In October 2012, markettiers4dc worked alongside Kellogg’s for the second year running on their Give a Child A Breakfast Campaign and to launch a new partnership with food charity FareShare.
We commissioned research with teachers across the UK into breakfast clubs, which formed the basis of a report, compiling existing research in the area, FareShare research and this new teachers’ research. The report, “No Food For Thought” was released to media and its content used the hook for the broadcast media outreach.
For online and social media, we produced a video which reflected the report’s findings and showed the work that Kellogg’s and Fareshare have been doing in schools, the Telegraph, Evening Standard, Yahoo! and the Independent ran the campaign video on the day of launch.
We set up filming opportunities at breakfast clubs across England – with ITV1 Calendar, BBC Look North and ITV1 Tyne Tees broadcasting live in their breakfast bulletins from schools across the UK.
On the same day we hosted down the line interviews from our studios with Bruce Learner, Head of CR at Kellogg’s, Karin Woodley, Chief Executive of ContinYou and Lindsay Boswell, Chief Executive of FareShare, who spoke to BBC 5 Live Morning Reports, Sky News Radio Sunrise Yorkshire, Free Radio Coventry and Free Radio Birmingham.
In total the campaign secured 176 items of broadcast coverage for Give a Child a Breakfast.