The ACS revealed statistics such as 59% of rural stores are sole providers of essential goods & services with no retail businesses close by, predicting an uncertain future for thousands of local shops in isolated areas
The Association of Convenience Stores wanted to raise awareness of their new Rural Shop Report which highlights just how much help rural stores need to continue offering essential services at the heart of their communities. With 59% of rural stores being the sole providers of essential goods and services with no retail businesses close by, this is a topic close to many ruralists’ hearts as the disappearance of these local shops will deprive thousands living in isolated areas of essential services.
markettiers’ broadcast advisory aimed to secure optimum coverage in London with Chris Noice, ACS Head of Communications alongside an on-site filming / interview opportunity with the ACS CEO James Lowman, MP for Banbury Victoria Prentis and a rural shop owner directly affected by these changes/developments. With topics for debate including that nearly 22 per cent of rural shop owners working over 70 hours per week & 21 per cent of rural shop owners admit to taking no holiday at all throughout the year, and the varied spokespeople we had available in different locations, a vast schedule of interviews was secured. This diverse offering to media was well received and maximized all spokespeople’s time. Creation of an audio feature package lengthened the on-air coverage duration and delivered a strong return on investment.
The regional coverage with the ACS CEO, the MP and local shop owner, served to explore first-hand the repercussions of rising operating costs, a business rates system that penalizes rural petrol stations and a lack of fast internet connectivity, while the national interviews explored further issues affecting all rural store owners. The timetable included television coverage on BBC News Channel and on-site with BBC South and on-site radio coverage with Quidem Radio Hub with a raft of interviews conducted from London including Sky News Radio, BBC Radio 4 Farming Today programme feature, 13 regional BBCs. Further coverage was secured through audio feature placements within the commercial network to maximise the longevity and reach of this important policy change campaign.