Launching Experian’s new app Jangle in partnership with Sarah Willingham
markettiers worked with Experian on the launch of their new Jangle app, in partnership with consumer champion, mother of four and BBC Dragon Sarah Willingham. Sarah worked very closely with Experian to develop both the research and the app which meant that she wasn’t your typical ‘paid’ for spokesperson and therefore it felt like a less commercial sell.
We ensured that we were briefed on the app and the research which had been conducted around pocket money ahead of time in order to commence forward planning. We ended up with a very short lead time following the approval of the advisory so this planning time was crucial and enabled us to secure bids including Sky Sunrise and early interest from a host of regional BBCs.
Coverage on the day started with an excellent interview for Sarah on Sky Sunrise which resulted in Sky News Radio taking the content and running the article on their website. From the markettiers studio she then conducted a total of 14 interviews with regional BBCs including BBC Wales, Newcastle and Solent as well as 3 commercial interviews.
Broadcasters including Good Morning Britain and LBC both ran the story as topics of conversation and engagement across social media was widespread throughout the day. Stations tweeted about the story throughout the day including BBC Wales, Sky News and BBC Nottingham, whose engagement in the topic resulted in a piece on Notts TV that night.