Taking your family for a ride

As part of its Out to Lunch campaign and using a team of secret diners, The Soil Association compiled a league table ranking the food and drink on offer at the UK’s favourite attractions


Publish the findings of the annual “Out to Lunch” league table in the broadcast sphere ensuring that the key messages – attractions are failing to provide healthy choices, failing to be transparent about ingredient provenance, failing to provide fresh food you can trust and that the most popular attractions serve the worst food – from the Soil Association are effectively translated.


We used the hook of half term, a popular time for families to visit these attractions, and drafted an advisory using the key findings of this year’s results as the main news line. This story lent itself to regional coverage with respective attractions being geographically relevant and therefore we were able to conduct very targeted sell-in.


The launch day began with the story being discussed on BBC 5 Live and on BBC Breakfast with a spokesperson from one of the top rated attractions on the report. It then continued with interviews airing on multiple regional and local stations. The subject matter of the story, especially appropriate at the start of half term, ensured extensive debate on broadcast and many auxiliary discussions took place with presenters’ own anecdotes on a host of BBCs and commercial stations around the UK.